PREVIEW: ‘The Likes of Us’ – CAODS at Trinity Theatre

The Likes of Us? I have never heard of that! Countless time has this been said about this hidden gem in the Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice back catalogue. It began it’s life in 1965 on the day to two met, Andrew was 17 and Tim was 21. The show is full of catchy songs, and you will be bound to leave wanting another cup of tea!

The story starts at the Edinburgh Castle Gin Palace, a lively drinking establishment in the East End, Rose, the quintessential prostitute with a heart of gold, recounts heramorous exploits through song (“Twice in Love”). Dr. Thomas Barnardo, venturing into the East End with the noble but ill-fated aim of selling Bibles, finds himself at odds with the local Cockneys. Consequently, Barnardo is ejected from the Edinburgh Castle and encounters Syrie Elmslie, his future wife.

Reflecting on the recent tumult, Barnardo contemplates the direction of his life (“A Strange and Lovely Song”). While wandering the streets of London, he meets two homeless children who reveal their harsh reality of stealing and begging for survival, with the rooftops as their only sanctuary. Initially doubtful, Barnardo is persuaded to see their living conditions (“The Likes of Us”).

Deeply moved by the children’s plight, Barnardo decides his mission lies in London rather than China. However, his efforts provoke hostility among the locals, who perceive his actions as intrusive (“We’ll Get Him”). Hearing of Barnardo’s mission, Syrie offers her support and suggests he seek assistance from the Prime Minister. Encouraged, Barnardo heads to Downing Street,

Barnardo’s candid depiction of London’s hardships initially offends the cabinet, but he wins the support of Lord Shaftesbury, a known advocate for the underprivileged. Together, they visit the rooftops, Meanwhile, the Cockneys remain antagonistic (“We’ll Get Him” Reprise).

And if you want to know what happens next… Come along and find out! With 24 toe tapping musical numbers, this is a rare opportunity to see a Lloyd Webber / Rice Show in Cowes!

Thursday 13 th 7.30pm, Friday 14 th 7.30pm, Saturday 15 th 2.30pm & 7.30pm & Sunday
16 th 2.30pm
Tickets £12 Adults & £10 Children

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